
Fracked csi
Fracked csi

fracked csi

She says she's missing one piece of her story and asks him to look up "fracking" and to give him a call. She says Conservo killed Gibson and Burns because they figured out what was going on. Ray talks to the reporter off the record for background. They realize this is what's making everyone sick. The water contains methane and who knows what else. Ray turns on the well faucet and puts a torch on it and lights afire. The man dies and Ray and Nick try to figure out what's up with the explosive water. To prove his point he drops his cigarette down his water well and it explodes in a ball of fire, engulfing him and throwing the CSIs and Reed back. He's mad that nobody cared about their problems before and says Walter was going to turn up proof that Conservo was poisoning everyone. That money only covered one round of his wife's chemo. He explains that Conservo Solutions came to town offering money for mining rights, in his case $50,000 but their operations contaminated the water which is making everyone sick. It turns out he just shot his goat, which was also sick. When they hear a shot fired they pull their weapons. There they find another local rancher, an elderly black man. An examination of the goat's head- also riddled with pre-cancerous lesions- leads Nick, Ray, and Detective Frankie Reed to another farm out in Cable Springs. The wife shows Nick a goat's head that she received, Godfather-style, the day before her husband's murder. Adams' wife doesn't want to talk about what her husband was talking to the pushy reporter about because she signed a non-disclosure agreement with the local gas mining company Conservo Solutions where Adams worked. Adams had ties to the reporter and to Walter. The next day the investigation turns up another dead body Richard Adams, found by Greg, Nick, and an assist from Detective Frankie Reed. She won't tell Brass and Ray what they talked about - she's working on a big story- but does tell them to look into Walter's wife also being sick. Something of a loner who lived on a farm, whose wife died last year, had final and constant contact with a reporter with a small local newspaper. Not in the sulfur springs it turns out, however, as the water from his windpipe is different from the water in the springs. The dude, Walter Burns, they discover upon autopsy was riddled with cancerous lesions but died of drowning. Three teens go skinny dipping in a sulfur spring and discover a dead man as they frolic.

fracked csi fracked csi

Baseline concentrations of potential contaminants from shale gas operations are found to be low, suggesting that early community-based monitoring is an effective foundation for assessing later contamination due to fracking.The synopsis below may give away important plot points. Analytic results for groundwater (with permission) and surface water are made publicly available in an interactive, searchable database. Similar baseline data on regional groundwater comes from CSI's testing of private drinking water wells. To fill this gap, the nonprofit Community Science Institute (CSI) partners with community volunteers who perform regular sampling of more than 50 streams in the Marcellus and Utica Shale regions of upstate New York samples are analyzed for parameters associated with HVHHF. Baseline (pre-fracking) data on relevant water quality indicators, needed for meaningful risk assessment, are largely lacking. The risk of contaminating surface and groundwater as a result of shale gas extraction using high-volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has not been assessed using conventional risk assessment methodologies.

Fracked csi