Information printed herein should be guarded (a) in circulation and by custody measures for confidential publications as set forth in Articles 75½ and 76 of Naval Regulations and (b) in avoiding discussion of this material within the hearing of any but commissioned officers. Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations, for the information of commissioned officers of the U.S. Illustration: Smith, after fires have been put outĬombat Narratives are confidential publications issued under a directive of the Commander-in-Chief, U.S.

Illustration: Enemy plane crashes into Smith Illustration: Enterprise on reverse course Illustration: Enterprise turning to avoid bomb Illustration: Torpedo plane under fire by South Dakota Illustration: Hornet under tow by Northampton Illustration: Destroyer removing wounded personnel Illustration: Burning bomber dives on Hornet Illustration: Damage to Hornet by suicide bomber Illustration: Tone - class cruiser in Battle of Santa Cruz Illustration: Damaged Boise entering Philadelphia Navy Yard Vejtasa downs seven enemy planesĪppendix C: Designations of United States naval ships and aircraftĬharts and Illustrations Chart: Battle of Cape Esperance Summary of damage suffered by Task Force KINGĪppendix A: Torpedoing of the Hornet by our destroyersĪppendix B: Lieut. Summary of damage inflicted on enemy ships CONTENTS Battle of Cape Esperance Forewordīattle of Santa Cruz Islands IntroductionĪnother Tone-class cruiser hit, as well as CL or DD